Management & Staff

Principal: Ms Suzanne McMahon
Deputy Principal: Mr John Lee

Board of Management

The Board of Management of Clonaslee College is the body that manages the school on behalf of the LOETB. It does so in accordance with ETB policy and in line with the Education Act. It upholds the mission statement of Clonaslee College. A school board of management is an essential part of school governance and the mission of the school will not be fully realised without an effective board of management. The primary role of a board of management is one of governance. Governance is about providing direction and oversight for a school while ensuring that the rights of all members of the school community are upheld and that the school is accountable for its work.

The functions of a board of management include:

  • Policy setting and strategic planning
  • Monitoring the implementation of policy, strategy and plans
  • Supporting the principal and his/her staff

The Board of Management (BOM) consists of 2 persons appointed by the LOETB. The Board of Management includes 2 parent nominees, 2 community nominees, 2 teacher nominees, along with the principal and deputy principal.
The Principal of the school acts as Secretary to the Board of Management.

The BOM is established for a 3 year term and a new BOM was established in September 2025. We acknowledge the voluntary nature of this onerous position and are grateful to the Board members for their generosity in lending their time and expertise for the good of Clonaslee College.

We are very fortunate to have an excellent and extremely supportive BOM in Clonlasee college.

Chairperson: Sean Cotter
Secretary: Suzanne McMahon
Parents/ Representatives: Eddie Carroll and Becky Dunne
ETB Representatives: Vivienne Phelan and Seamus Bennett
Teachers’ Representatives: Sean Cotter and Deirdre Caplice-Ryan
Community Representatives: Molly Buckley and Fr Thomas O’ Reilly.

Post of Responsibility

Junior year head (1st ,2nd & 3rd year): Deirdre Caplice Ryan (Science, Biology, Maths, SPHE)
TY year head & Programme Co-ordinator: Ms Maura Brid Gallagher
Senior year head (5th & 6th year): Mr John Lee (DP)
SENco & SSE Co-ordinator: Ms Nicola Dunne (English, SEN)
Health & Safety and Graduation: Ms Amanda Harkin (Art & Droichead Co-ordinator)
In-house exams & LCA Co-ordinator: Mr James Madden (Ag Science, Science, LCA)
ASD Co-ordinator & Well Being Co-ordinator: Ms Catherine Maher
PR & JCPA: Ms Linda Fitzpatrick (English, History)
Grade Tracking & Exam Secretary: Mr Sean Cotter (Guidance, History, Religion)
Digital Co-ordinator: Mr Ciaran Todd (Engineering, DCG)
SEN Co-Ordinator: Ms Helen Dunne (Maths, Chemistry, Science)
Droichead Co-ordinator: Ms Martina Lydon (Maths, Business Studies, Accounting)
Cairde/Student Council Co-Ordinators: Ms Tanya Murphy (Maths, Geography), Ms Tracy Mc Loughlin (RE, Music)
Special Needs Assistants: Sandra Prendergast, Annette Downey, Ann Heaney, Annie Reid, Josephine Heffernan, Ann Marie Larkin
Secretary: Maura Hegarty
Caretaker: Tom Moore
Cleaner: Justyna Laszczewska

Teaching Staff

Mr Steven Dooley (French, History) Ms Paula Fennelly (Maths) Ms Eimear Buckley (Irish, Music)
Ms Kay Davis (English, EAL) Ms Valeriia Siroptova (Ukrainian, EAL, SEN) Ms Ailbhe Lacey (English, History)
Ms Tara Staunton (Irish, PE) Ms Maura Cleare (Home Economics, Science) Ms Megan King (Geography)
Ms Carina Dunne (Business, LCA, SEN) Ms Pamela Wilson (Business, Maths, LCA, SEN) Mr John Heffernan (Construction Studies & DCG)

PME Teachers

Many PME’s are welcomed & supported throughout the year at Clonaslee College. (A Droichead school)
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