Junior Cycle
Students at Clonaslee College follow the curricular programme as set down by the Department of Education. At Clonaslee College, our aim is to provide a curriculum which is balanced, integrated, engaging and equips students with the life skills needed in the future.
Junior Cycle Subjects
Students complete a taster programme in the first term of 1st Year to aid them in making informed decisions about subject choice.
Core Subjects
- Irish
- Mathematics
- English
- History
- Science
- Civic, Social and Political Education
- Social, Personal and Health Education
- PE
- Wellbeing
- Religion
Optional Subjects (Must pick 4)
- Business Studies
- Geography
- Home Economics
- French
- Art, Craft & Design
- Music
- Graphics
- Engineering
- Wood Technology
- Junior Cycle Terminology:
In all Junior Cycle subjects, all students, facilitated by their teacher, are expected to complete Classroom Based Assessments. They provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and skills in ways not possible in a formal examination. CBAs take place during class time and are reported on in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). There are generally two CBAs for each subject, one in second year and one in third year. However, there are currently revised arrangements in place and current 3rd year students must only complete one. The grading system used for CBAs comprises of a ‘Descriptor’ rather than a percentage. The descriptors are:
- Exceptional
- Above Expectations
- In Line with Expectations,
- Yet To Meet Expectations
- Not Reported.
Details of the individual Classroom Based Assessments are set out in the Assessment Guidelines of each subject and short course.
- 90 to 100% = Distinction
- 75 to 89% = Higher Merit
- 55 to 74% = Merit
- 40 to 54% = Achieved
- 20 to 39% = Partially Achieved
- 0 to 19% = Not Graded
Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA)
Junior Cycle Subjects
Students complete a taster programme in the first term of 1st Year to aid them in making informed decisions about subject choice.
Core Subjects
- Irish
- Mathematics
- English
- Religion
- History
- Science
- Civic, Social and Political Education
- Social, Personal and Health Education
- PE
- Wellbeing
Optional Subjects (Must pick 4)
- Business Studies
- Geography
- Home Economics
- French
- Art, Craft & Design
- Music
- Engineering
- Wood Technology
- Junior Cycle Terminology:
In all Junior Cycle subjects, all students, facilitated by their teacher, are expected to complete Classroom Based Assessments. They provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and skills in ways not possible in a formal examination. CBAs take place during class time and are reported on in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). There are generally two CBAs for each subject, one in second year and one in third year. However, there are currently revised arrangements in place and current 3rd year students must only complete one. The grading system used for CBAs comprises of a ‘Descriptor’ rather than a percentage. The descriptors are:
- Exceptional
- Above Expectations
- In Line with Expectations,
- Yet To Meet Expectations
- Not Reported.
Details of the individual Classroom Based Assessments are set out in the Assessment Guidelines of each subject and short course.
Junior Cycle state exams take place in early June. Students complete Common level exam papers, except in the subjects Irish, English and Maths, where candidates may choose to sit an exam at either Higher or Ordinary Level. These exams are two hours in duration. They are marked by external examiners and reported on using the following grade bands:
- 90 to 100% = Distinction
- 75 to 89% = Higher Merit
- 55 to 74% = Merit
- 40 to 54% = Achieved
- 20 to 39% = Partially Achieved
- 0 to 19% = Not Graded
Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA)
The JCPA is the award that students will receive at the end of their Junior Cycle programme. This certificate will recognise students’ achievements both inside and outside of the classroom, consisting of the results of their state exams, their performance in Classroom Based Assessments and other areas of learning such as music, sport etc.