Transition Year

The Transition Year programme is an optional one-year programme designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate. It is a popular option in Clonaslee College as it is tailored to meet the needs and interests of each individual group. The programme is built upon the concepts of personal growth, career exploration, being a learner and civic and community engagement. It is aimed at developing a more mature student who will be better prepared for the demands of the Leaving Certificate and further study or work. Educational research has shown that students who take Transition Year achieve, on average, higher points in the Leaving Certificate exam.

During TY students engage with core subjects, a selection of taster subjects which assist students in making informed decisions for Senior Cycle, and a variety of modules including GAA Future Leaders and Enterprise. There is also a variety of trips, guest speakers and certified modules organised for students. In the past academic year, our students have become qualified baristas, developed their swimming talents, partook in LIFT leadership training and earned invaluable skills in CPR and First Aid. They explored Irish History at EPIC, tasted their way through Butlers Chocolate Factory, got to grips with Brazilian Jiujitsu and self-defence and went bog hopping in Lilliput.

Work experience is also an important part of the Transition Year programme in Clonaslee College. Students undertake work experience for one full day per week (each Thursday), in two different settings during the academic year. Securing work experience is the responsibility of the individual student, but support will be provided by the school. It is most beneficial if students gain experience in an area which links to their future career prospects.

A highlight of the Transition Year programme is the annual foreign trip, in recent years our students have visited Rome, Paris and Lake Garda. These trips are an optional additional cost (circa €700) and are carefully planned to ensure students have a trip full of educational and fun experiences.

Entry into Transition Year in Clonaslee College is a competitive process with a limited number of spaces available. Student must complete an application form, which is reviewed by the TY team, alongside their student record. Students who receive a place are informed in writing and must pay a deposit to secure their place into the programme for the next academic year. Parents/Guardians should be aware that due to the activities and trips that form part of the TY programme, it is a year that will incur costs. Families need to be aware of this prior to accepting a place in the programme.

Over the years, through evaluation with all interest groups, the programme has been developed and modified to make it the success that it is today. The feedback from our TY Class of 2024 says it all:

‘I feel like I have almost found myself this year’

‘It was the best year of my life’

‘This year helped me to become more mature and more outgoing.’

‘I have more clarity on myself and my future career.’

‘I feel like I’ve came out of my shell. I feel more comfortable talking in front of the class.’

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Transition Year 2024 Graduation

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