Science Week 2023....14th to 18th of November Clonaslee College
School theme for National Science week 2023 is
This Science Week, we are asking people to consider what it means to be human in today’s world, and how the decisions we make today, will impact humans of the future ......
1st Years:
- Mini science demo/show of experiments in new lab during big lunch Wednesday (13:30 – 13:55) for 1B. Then during class time @ 14:00 – 14:25 repeat for 1A. TY students will assist Science teacher with Demonstrations.
- Animal and plant cell competition winners will be announced.
2nd Years:
- IBSE (Past/Present/Future Scientific Discoveries). Assign topics during class. First class HW to research/develop presentation on assigned topic and present in second class during science wk.
3rd Years:
- Spelling Bee Competition (during class on Tuesday 15th).
- Then assign “Flying Eggs Challenge”.
- Second class during science wk (Move to Community centre to test flight crafts – launch from first floor mezzanine out into centre all at same time).
- TY Science Quiz Friday during last class Wednesday.
- Mr Oliver Blacque will deliver a workshop around the brain on Friday 17th. Times TBC
5th + 6th Biol:
- Mr Oliver Blacque will deliver a workshop around the brain on Friday 17th.
- Science riddles at the start of each class.
- Midlands science have provided the school with an Anti-microbial awareness pack.
5th + 6th Ag Science
- Guest speaker has been contacted. Awaiting confirmation.
Prizes for winners of all Competitions.
We are thrilled to be supported during Science week by a parent working in the field of Science, Mr Oliver Blacque.