Clonaslee College

Transition Year

Transition Year

Transition Year is an optional one-year, school-based programme between Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle. The Transition Year offers students an opportunity to engage in independent self-directed learning, to develop general technical and academic skills, and to mature and develop without the pressure of an examination. Students get the opportunity to sample a wide range of subject areas and can make more informed choices about their subject choices for Leaving certificate.

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TY Students of 2023-2024 (26 students)

A big warm welcome to our 9 Spanish students joining our TY programme for the year ahead. This promises to be a year packed with a range of activities and exciting workshops on the development of new skills. The foreign trip this year is to Rome, Italy and will take place in late April. Students will attend the 'Lion King' @ Bord Gais.

Feedback from our Spanish Students here for the academic year 2023-2024:

Hola, yo recomiendo este colegio para vosotros sobre todo mi curso que es TY(que es 4 de la ESO en espana), me esta gustando mucho ya que hacemos muchas actividades, con diversion.
Tambien me gusta mucho el colegio por la amabilidad de los profesores te ayudaran las veces que necesites y si tienenes algun problema siempre te ayudara y siempre te preguntaran como estas, y queria decir venir a este colegio os encantara y disfrutareis

I recommend this school to you, especially my course, which is TY (which is 4 of ESO in Spain), I am really liking it since we do many activities, with fun.I also really like the school because of the kindness of the teachers. They will help you whenever you need and if you have any problem they will always help you and they will always ask you how you are, and I wanted to say that by coming to this school you will love it and you will enjoy it.

Hola, soy una estudiante del curso 2023-2024. Hago el curso TY( transition year), el cual consiste en aprender lo mismo que en España pero de manera diferente, haciendo excursiones, viendo peliculas o haciendo actividades grupales en clase. El colegio no es muy grande pero tiene todo lo necesario para dar las clases , los maestros son muy simpaticos y los estudiantes tambien y te ayudan en todo lo posible. Nuestra clase nos ayudaron mucho a los españoles al inicio del curso.Es un año muy facil ya que no te evaluas haciendo examenes, ademaas el horario es mucho mejor ya que no madrugas tanto.No dudeis en venir y vivir la gran experiencia que estoy viviendo este año junto con gente nueva e incluso familia nueva. Te ayudara a abrir tu mente y ser otra persona , ser menos timido y hacer amigos facilmente.

Hello, I am a student of the 2023-2024 academic year. I take the TY course (transition year), which consists of learning the same as in Spain but in a different way, going on excursions, watching movies or doing group activities in class.The school is not very big but it has everything you need to teach classes, the teachers are very friendly and the students too and they help you in every way possible. Our class helped us Spaniards a lot at the beginning of the course.It is a very easy year since you do not evaluate yourself by taking exams, plus the schedule is much better since you do not get up so early.Do not hesitate to come and live the great experience that I am having this year together with new people and even new family. It will help you open your mind and be a different person, be less shy and make friends easily.

Cuando llegue al colegio me parecia raro tener que cambiar de clase para cada hora. En España los profesores cambian de clase no los alumnos. Tambien me parecio raro el que nos dejaran salir en el segundo recreo para ir al pueblo a comprar o sentarnos a hablar. En TY no se hacen examenes, es un curso que se utiliza para que mejoremos nuestro nivel de ingles y para aprender distintos gustos y tradiciones irlandesas. A mi parecer,venir aqui es una experiencia muy buena y enriquezedora ya que ademas de aprender ingles, hablar con ingleses y aprender tradiciones, tambien aprendes a ser mas independiente a la vez de que te lo pasas bien.

When I got to school it seemed strange to me to have to change classes every hour. In Spain, teachers change classes, not students. I also found it strange that they let us go out during the second recess to go to town to shop or sit down and talk. At TY there are no exams, it is a course that is used to improve our level of English and to learn different Irish tastes and traditions. In my opinion, coming here is a very good and enriching experience since in addition to learning English, speaking with English people and learning traditions, you also learn to be more independent while having a good time.

Me gusta la localizacion del colegio ya que esta en una zona muy verde y con la naturaleza siempre presente en los alrededores, las instalaciones son muy bonitas y acojedoras para un buen ambiente de trabajo ademas las aulas estan muy bien localizadas i con carteles para ayudar a los alumnos a encontrarlas con mas facilidad, las actividades y experiencias que encontaras en este colegio son muy buenas y inolvidables.

I like the location of the school since it is in a very green area and with nature always present in the surroundings, the facilities are very beautiful and welcoming for a good work environment. In addition, the classrooms are very well located and with posters to help students to find them more easily, the activities and experiences that you will find in this school are very good and unforgettable.

Final TY end of year Newsletter 2024

"Super edition, captures all great work done and student achievements in the final term" , Ms McMahon
TY End of Year Newsletter 2024

Well done once again a super edition. Increasing number of pages each edition!
TY January 2024 Newsletter

Well done once again a super edition. Increasing number of pages each edition!
TY Xmas Newsletter

Well done to all our TY students. Super newsletter designed by all. We look forward to your first podcasts!

TY March Newsletter 2024

Well done to all our TY students & Ms Fitzpatrick for compilation and printing.

Barista Course Training with LOETB- November 2023





November 2023: TY Diary
  • PT Meeting 6th November 4.15 - 6.45 pm
  • Every Friday in November Jujitsu Martial Arts 10 -1 1 am
  • 6th & 9th Barista Training
  • 13th & 16th Barista Training
  • 20th & 23rd Barista Training
  • 14th Ice skating Trip Dundrum
Swimming each Monday afternoon
September 2023
  • Monday 4th Swimming lessons start at Aura Tullamore (10 week programme)
  • Wednesday 6th Day trip to Bay sports Athlone (leaving at 9 am and return for buses at 3.55 pm)
  • Wed 13th RSA bus at school
  • Wed 20th Video workshop ( Radio transmission)
  • Tuesday 10th Daytrip to Lilliput
  • Wednesday 11th: Trip to Lion King Bord Gais
  • Monday 16th :Forensics Workshop
  • Tuesday 24th : Birr Team building

More activities to follow and calendar will be updated as they are booked.

A huge emphasis will be placed on the academic side of the TY programme in order to facilitate a smooth transition into the LC programme in September 2024. Students will 'taste' many potential LC subjects from Sustainability, to

an intensive French course (students will travel to Vichy on an exchange under an Erasmus grant secured by the school), to range of modules in Drama, History, Accounting, DCG, etc. The cores subjects English , Irish and Maths will take place weekly.

Work experience is weekly on a Thursday and members of staff, TY co-ordinator and management will call into the different workplaces to monitor how students are doing.

Student voice is valued and students will be encouraged to help mould the year's programme by indicating any alternative modules or trips they may wish to partake in from a Barista course to Mock Trials .

We wish all of our students an exciting year ahead and we have no doubt this year will leave its imprint on their educational decisions and future.



Juan & Hugo enjoying Bay sports! TY students Sept 2023 enjoying activities on the Lake!


Well done to our TY group from 2022/2023.

Video below of all they achieved and completed throughout the year, despite restrictions etc.

Photos from 2022-2023:


Transition Year 2024-2025

Application forms will be given to all 3rd year students on the 19th February 2024.

Deadline for submission of application forms is Wednesday 6th March.

Transition Year Admissions Policy

Jan 20
School closed - Inservice
Jan 27
6th year PT meeting
Feb 03
School closed: Bank holiday
Feb 04
Mock exams
Clonaslee College,
Co. Laois,

057 864 8044

© 2025 Clonaslee College