Clonaslee College

SSE- School Improvement

SSE- School Improvement

What is SSE?

The Department of Education and Skills requires each school to engage in the practice of self reflection or a School Self Evaluation (SSE) process. School self-evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review. An evidence-based approach, it involves gathering information from a range of sources, and then making judgements and action plans based on the evidence gathered.

A quality framework titled Looking at Our School 2016 A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools provides a unified and coherent set of standards for two dimensions of the work of schools: teaching and learning and leadership and management. The teaching and learning dimension of the Quality Framework supports schools as they engage in the school self-evaluation process.

Schools are required to devise a School Improvement Plan (SIP) that contains a summary of the areas for improvement identified as part of the SSE process. The SSE report and SIP sets out clearly what needs to be done to further improve the work of the school. The language used should be clear, specific and accessible. The first section is the report and the second section is the improvement plan.

The Board of Management is responsible for ensuring that a brief summary of SSE and the SIP are provided to the whole school community.

In order to bring about school improvement in line with LAOS 2022, the SDP (School Development Planning) committees this year are:

Digital , School Support, Grade Tracking, SSE and Well Being.

The school is also involved in an SEN Inclusive project with Dr Johanna Fitzgerald of ETBI.

Data has been gathered last year (2022) in the areas of SEN, Digital (Selfie tool) and T & L.

The SSE committee reviewed the data and will encourage increased student and parent participation to bring about improvements for this year. They will continue to work on remaining aspects of T & L that was previously selected for self-evaluation. 6th year students will have a meeting with all teachers to receive oral formative feedback after the Mocks (Student teacher meeting), reporting will include formative feedback, Grade tracking project has been set up through SDP and students will be encouraged to engage in peer assessment and learning.

A SIP (School improvement plan) based on the data generated from parents, students and staff was generated.

Click link below to read Clonaslee College's School Improvement plan:


Feb 04
Mock exams
Feb 17
School closed: Feb Midterm
Mar 11
3rd year PT meeting
Mar 11
6th year Student Teacher meeting
Clonaslee College,
Co. Laois,

057 864 8044

© 2025 Clonaslee College